Sunday, January 8, 2012

Finding that perfect someone, idea?

"True love does not come by finding the perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"
This quote sent to me by a friend started to get me thinking. Of course I heard this quote or one similar to it before, yes I thought it was cute, adorable and any other adjective to describe it. But I really, really thought about it, me heading off to BYU where couples are made for time and all eternity, but don't worry I'm not that girl who goes to BYU to find a husband, but I'm not going to turn it away :) buuut it made me think who is the person that I want to be with, I'm just at a time in my life where I date to marry and I just don't date for the fun of it but to meet someone I can spend my life and time with, and people always ask what is your type of guy, hmmm...Ryan Gossling?  Well, think of it this way, MY perfect guy makes me a better person, makes me smile, laugh, gives me stability and comfort,gives me those butterflies, the ones where I don't want them to leave. Obviously I want me and him to have similarities so we can enjoy our time together but when people ask me about his look and height, it just doesn't matter in my eyes, yeah we have preferences but in the long run it just doesn't matter.  That prefect someone for me is who I find perfect but they are no where even close.

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